Does Your Newborn Need Baby Mittens?

Does Your Newborn Need Baby Mittens?
8 January, 2021

If you’re a new mom who is building your baby’s wardrobe, you’re probably brainstorming what items are critical to be on that list. Starting with basics, you need diapers, blanket covers and layette clothing (Kit consisting of a complete outfit like clothing and accessories, for your new baby). This kit will include various items but a few being critical are newborn baby caps and baby mittens. These 2 items can also be considered as great gifting items for new parents. While you will see hundreds of social media campaigns by various fancy brands selling baby products, experienced parents will guide you on 4 things to consider before shopping for your newborn. This can help you differentiate between a trendy purchase and a much-needed baby item which is an eye-opener. This blog will throw light on what makes hand mittens popular - and why you will want them in your baby kit before your baby arrives.

What Are Baby Mittens?

Baby mittens are nothing but protective mittens for newborns. They hardly differ from the mittens that adults or older children wear during winters. Generally, the mittens worn by adults are made of wool, but mittens for babies are usually made out of extremely soft cotton making them light in weight and flexible. This ensures your newborn can wear them while lazing indoors, during their naps or while traveling. 

Baby mittens have thin strips of the elastic line which hold the mitten to the wrist of the baby. This is a critical and vital characteristic of baby mittens because it keeps them secured over their hands. No matter how much your baby shakes their hands, these mittens won’t fall off or get lost. This elastic is thin and flexible avoiding rashes and pain to the infant ensuring your baby is comfortable.

Why does your Newborn need Mittens?

There are dime a dozen reasons why hand mittens are important for not only your newborn but also for you as a parent. 

Firstly, your baby has sharp fingernails which can easily harm and give you the baby a scare. Infants have a natural tendency to move their hands around their face in swift movements as they advance in their motor skills. These uncalled for movements, especially close to the face, can easily lead to cuts and bruises. Hence, making your little one wear baby mittens will avoid unnecessary ouches. 

Secondly, an infant's hands are extremely sensitive to temperature fluctuations. They tend to lose body heat more swiftly compared to older children and adults because their body surface area is out of proportion to their weight. Additionally, most infants don’t have a lot of body fat which can save them from temperature changes. This can result in your little angel's fingertips to turn red and blue. This situation stands true even while your newborn is inside a comfortable warm home. Mittens will help to keep the tiny hands warm at all times in the day as well as a night.

Keeping Baby Safe with Comfortable Mittens by Genius baby:

When you choose not only high quality but also extremely comfortable hand mittens for your baby, you’ll be more relaxed knowing they’re not harming their face or feeling too cold. You’ll also be thrilled that your little one is safe, outdoor as well as indoors. Many mothers also consider adding a pair or 2 baby mittens to their hospital bag so their baby can wear them the moment they’re born.

Your Comments
Author :Mansi Singh
Date Added :23/03/2021
Thanks for sharing this article, this will help me out regarding baby mittens for my little one.