Travelling with an infant? Here is a baby essentials checklist

Travelling with an infant? Here is a baby essentials checklist
27 November, 2021

If you’re a frequent traveller, you will deny the fact to travel light. On the other hand, when an infant is your companion, the list of items that you need to carry along can seem to increase the bag weight you carry. All of a sudden, every small thing starts becoming critical, and before you know it, you have a gigantic list of things to carry while travelling with a baby irrespective of the mode of travel be it air/road/train. To make your travel smooth and trouble-free you must read this blog which throws light on what items you cannot miss out on while travelling with an infant.

1. Diapers: Diaper is the most essential item you just cannot ignore to carry while travelling with an infant. Carry more quantity as you cannot be running around at a new place to find yourself more diapers.

2. Baby wipes: To clean your baby wherever anytime you need to keep handy enough wet wipes. You will need tons and tons of these for every foreseeable scenario that you can think of! Keeping things hygienic and clean, no matter what should always be a priority.

3. Baby Anti rash cream: The chances of your baby getting diaper rash are pretty high, considering the long waiting hours at the airport, travelling distances by cars, etc. and the consequent long intervals between changing diapers. Carry an extra tube of diaper rash cream will ensure your baby is hale and hearty at all times.

4. Portable changing Station: Trying to change your baby’s diaper while travelling can be troublesome. You must invest in a small, foldable changing station to keep the baby on. This can help you keep your baby clean and comfortable throughout your travel journey avoiding discomforting cries. 

5. Napkins: You will need to carry a minimum of 4-5 napkins per day unless you’re going to a place where you can wash baby clothes easily. 

6. Disposable bags/dustbin bags: This is extremely handy to collect used diapers, wet wipes, tissues utilised for your infant. Some parents also use these bags to collect used/worn baby clothes. Make sure to use separate colour bags to avoid a mixture of dustbin items and laundry items.

7. First aid kit/ baby medicines or drops: Generally, all infants are on some of the other medicines or vitamin drops. Ensure to carry them. Do check if the bottles are almost getting over, you may need to buy fresh medicine stock enough to last the travel journey. 

8. Milk bottles with sterilizer: While travelling you will often need an extra pair of milk bottles to ensure 1 is in use while the other is getting sterilized.

9. Carry enough infant clothes: You will need extra pair of clothes to ensure you don’t run out of them in case your baby stails worn clothes. Keep a minimum of 3-4 pairs of soft quality infant clothes while you are on the move with your little one. Also, you must keep extra infant towels and booties mittens ready. If you’re visiting a cold place you must carry enough baby caps on the other hand if your visiting a sunny place a baby hat is a good option to save him from the suns harsh rays.

10. Mosquito cream/repellent patch: To avoid a cranky baby due to mosquito bites, you must carry tried and tested mosquito repellents or creams. Also at night time, you can cover the skin of your infant by making them wear 2 piece full baby suits which will avoid danger to your little angel.

Quick Tips:

1. Prepare in advance and make a list of all the things you need to carry.

2. Use a waterproof diaper bag to carry it all.

3. Keep an extra outfit handy at all times.

4. Pack medicines and liquids in separate plastic pouches.

5. Keep each baby clothing item in a separate compartment.

Last words of advice:

Travelling is a new experience for the baby, and they should get to enjoy it! By keeping a few things in mind and ensuring comfort and hygiene at all times, you and your baby can have a wonderful trip, and make memories to think back on.