Why is Diaper free time Important

Why is Diaper free time Important
12 February, 2022

Baby diapers come as a blessing for every mom and no doubt has simplified lives making them hassle-free. Though diapers keep a baby dry and clean it comes with a lot of rash and discomfort. They have a modern look and are best if you want to take your baby outdoors without worrying about sanitation. After hearing so many positive things about diapers, why is it still not the ideal thing to make your newborn wear?

Diapers get your kid a rash: Diapers though very convenient to moms as mentioned above, can get really messy for your child. If your child is cranky, after a good feed and not gassy, you must check the diaper area. It’s either a full diaper causing him to be uneasy or a rash down there. 

Diaper doesn't allow the skin to breadth: Diapers are meant to keep the area covered and hence doesn't allow enough ventilation. This causes the skin to become dry and causes irritation on your baby’s gentle skin.

Discomforting to your child: A diaper that holds 5-6 pees and a motion needs to be tight on the waist to avoid slipping off due to heavy weight. This can not only create discomfort for your little one but also get the waist area soar. Your little one can also get cranky if you miss out on timely diaper changes. 

Disposable diapers contain plastic and toxic material: Even though companies do not reveal the materials used in making diapers, autonomous testing of disposable diapers shows a questionable mix of materials and constituents. The surface lining is normally made from a polyethylene layer, which is basically a plastic cover that is gotten from natural gas or petroleum. The inner layer consists of polypropylene, a thermoplastic polymer that is meant to absorb water. 

Expensive affair: The average cost of a diaper today is nothing less than Rs. 10-15. Though companies say that 1 diaper will give you 12 hours of dryness, if you use them, you need to change it every 4 hours for hygiene reasons. This means you will require an average of 6-7 diapers a day, making the cost 10*6=60Rs/day. 

What do you do then?

SOFT COTTON CLOTH NAPPIES comes to your rescue. Though they have a few disadvantages, the advantages supersede them. Cloth nappies are like a pleasant dream if you are looking for a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly sanitary item for your little one. 

Let’s look at the ADVANTAGES of reusable/washable baby nappies:

1. They are non-toxic, meaning they don’t contain any harsh chemicals or plastics.

2. They are naturally made. Cloth nappies are said to prevent any of those nasty nappy rashes because of the natural materials used.

3. Have less of an impact on the environment as opposed to disposables.

4. You can choose from a variety of vibrant colours and innovative designs if you choose to keep your baby in cloth nappies.

5. Cloth nappies are great for sensitive bottoms due to the naturally soft cotton material used.

6. Cloth nappies are less smelly than disposable ones.

7. In the long run, you will realise that you have saved a lot of money if you use cloth nappies.

Additionally, Cloth nappies have proven to encourage fast track toilet training because your baby can feel the wetness from the material. 


So when it comes to cloth and disposable nappies, deciding the real winner is going to be a personal decision. As a parent, you know what’s best for you and your baby and nappies offer great advantages. Using a combination of disposable and specially made, gentle Genius Baby cloth nappies can be the best way out for a bubbly baby with a cheerful mom. Besides, your little one won’t be needing nappies forever, so make sure their bottoms live in comfort for the first few years of their life. They’ll thank you for it!